

Miguel Angel Asturias

Miguel Angel Asturias it’s a writer from Guatemala, he was born in 1899 In Guatemala City, his studied laws in the university San Carlos De Guatemala, then he moved to Europe, Greece an Egypt to continued studying then Miguel Angel Asturias return to Guatemala and finish the book la arquitectura de la vida humana, then he travels to Paris and publish one of the most famous books Leyendas de Guatemala and then write the book El Senor president.

Furthermore, Miguel Angel Asturias start to write poesy and publish the book the president and some other books, creating the total of 40 writings like novels, poesy, essays, year later his win Nobel prize for Literature in 1967, and the Soviet Union Lenin prize in 1966.

Summary he is a lawyer passionate for the writing, him moved to Europe and star writing some newspapers, working at radios and then him start to write the own books until win the prize, Miguel Angel Asturias are focused in write about Guatemala the tree most famous books that he write are Senor presidente, (The president) talks about the dictatorship in Guatemala and the consequences in the society, Hombres de Maiz (Men of Maize) it’s a complain to the capitalism and the effects in the Mayan culture like ancestral beliefs, customs and security and Leyendas de Guatemala ( Legends of Guatemala) talks about magical legends of Guatemala in the poetic way and then dedicate to the Mayan gods, the people said it’s the most hard lecture from Miguel Angel Asturias, you need to think a lot to understand what he are talking about.

Finally he spend the last years in Madrid Spain giving conferences about how to make complaints with poems until the cancer will end his life.


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